Plastira catalogue
Group art, Exhibition-Happening
Plastira 16 is the address of my aunt’s house, which I visited frequently as a child and where I lived from 2002-2006, when it was demolished so that a block of flats could be built. This is a common practice in Athens and it is how the city has developed over the years. Before the demolition, together with a core team of15 musicians, performers, and visual artists, we organized a live-in/work-in experiment culminating in an exhibition. The rooms and spaces of the house were collaboratively or individually transformed into installation pieces. After the opening, the space was open to proposals for the presentation of performances by other artists and the public. Many of the artists continued to live in the building until its demolition. The public entered our world, could join us in our meetings, meals or just hang around. In the third-floor bedroom, the walls were available for any kind of experimentation by visitors. Two big parties marked the beginning and the end of the project. The project represented Greece in the 2008 Biennale of Young artists in Puglia, Italy in the field of Public Art.
Group art, Exhibition-Happening